Saturday 13 April 2013

Day 6 - a day of rest

Today is a rest day from the tour because it is Shabbat. Some of the tour went looking for a local synagogue to go to this morning (gosh, you reckon there might be some around?). For me, the first task is to see whether my legs are still attached to my hips after last night's workout. Slowly, slowly, I manage to get down to the favourite time of the day - the smorgasbord breakfast - just before it closes at 10:30am. Not feeling full of energy. After breakfast I head off to see what was once the end of the railway line to Jaffa. It's now a little museum dedicated to the train history but more importantly the old rail storage sheds have been turned into boutique shops. And there's entertainment everywhere because the place is full of families taking advantage of the spectacular weather and the fact that it is Saturday.

From there I wonder around Jaffa but manage to miss the flea market completely although I follow all the signs - maybe that in itself is a sign! But I do find the great little restaurant that Nao, David and I ate at last Tuesday when they brought me back from Jerusalem. Then back to the old port again - my third visit in five days, but this time, instead of being full of tourists, it's full of local families - even Elvis came to entertain us!

Now it's time for me to finish this post off and have a bubble bath to see if I can get my legs to take me back to the old port to take some night photos from there tonight. The thought of walking another 5 kms isn't filling me with excitement right now but I feel silly not taking every opportunity to be part of the place. Tomorrow we pack our stuff and check out by 8:00am and hit the road. We move to a 43-seat bus because another 20 people are joining us for the remainder of the tour (I chose the 15-day tour, but there are 11-day and 10-day versions, so people just join in along the way).

Bye for now.

"The Station" - the old railway line that ended at Jaffa has been turned into a boutique shopping area

The buildings in Jaffa

Family entertainment at The Station

I found Elvis - he's living in the old port of Jaffa

Jonah's in Jaffa where I had dinner on Tuesday night with Nao and David

Another of the shops at The Station

More of the architecture in Jaffa

What was the main railway building, now a cafe, at The Station

The promenade on the way into the old port of Jaffa. You want orange juice? Let me squeeze if fresh for you.

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